middle school



As students advance into middle school, the number that lose interest in math and sciences jumps significantly. A full 50 percent of students, for example, lose interest in science by the eighth grade -- up from one-third of fourth graders. And less than half of Oregon eighth graders pass the math standard.

Our middle school program is designed to increase interest in both subjects before the students enter high school and begin to be pushed out of the education system entirely. The unique program connects math and science to places in their community — such as a school, park or abandoned property — to make it highly relevant to the students in each school. This community-based approach helps make the learning relevant for the student and keeps them engaged in the process.

How it works

The program pairs a company with a local middle school that has a high population of students who do not see a path to a career or success in life and are at risk of dropping out of school. In4All facilitates the entire process of training volunteers, picking the project, completing the activity, and giving students feedback on their project.

The whole process is not only rewarding for volunteers, but this form of learning is proven to increase student interest in school -- an important step to completing high school and taking that next step toward college or career.

Video: Design thinking program
Watch this short video to learn how our design thinking program creates relevance for students